Innovation as Usual: How to Help Your People Bring Great Ideas to Life

Advisory Board Member Paddy Miller and his co-author, Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, explain how to turn team members into innovators. Instead of sending employees to brainstorm off-sites and approaching innovation as a sideline activity, Miller and Wedell-Wedellsborg recommend that leaders at all levels become “innovation architects,” creating an ecosystem in which people engage in key innovation behaviors as part of their daily work.
“Innovation as Usual” lights the way toward embedding creativity in the DNA of the workplace where regular employees in make innovation happen in a way that’s both systemic and sustainable.
“Innovation as Usual shows you how to make innovation happen within your team on a regular basis. A rich and fascinating read.”
-Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, CEO, The LEGO Group
“The authors offer a compelling case for highly focused innovation and how leaders at all levels can be architects of an environment that makes innovation and creativity routine behavior.”
-Lise Kingo, Executive Vice President, Novo Nordisk A/S
“This book breathes optimism and opportunity and provides an actionable framework for creating a winning innovative environment.”
-Rory Simpson, Chief Learning Officer, Telefónica Group